Thursday, April 16, 2015

Terrible Twos

May 5, 1997
Almost 2 years old, Mr. Troy!  You are quite the little character--you run around the house like a little tornado--making one mess after another.  I like to watch you sleeping.
Another exciting hospital adventure when Troy had a Febrile Seizure.  Scared the heck out of his mother!  And I worried alot about him having more, but that was the only one he ever had.  He had to have lots of tests though and an EEG.
A week later we went back to the hospital for another test--an EEG which you were so good for.  I had to get you up early in the morning (3:30 a.m.) and then keep you awake so you would sleep through the test  You were so patient while they put the little electronic things all over you head and then you fell asleep and slept through the test.  The technician said you were the most co-operative child she'd had!  The test came back normal so everything is ok.
A few months later Troy fell off the bench in the kitchen and cut his head open.  After four hours of waiting in the Emergency room and chasing him all over we finally got to see a doctor.
Nov. 16, 1997
When the doctor finally did your stitches you were so amazing.  You laid still when they wrapped you up to keep your arms still.  Then you didn't even move while they did the stitches. (Your head had been numbed).  You didn't cry at all. 
Jan. 4, 1998
You were very good about leaving most of the Christmas decorations alone but when I put a tree upstairs you liked the red and gold ornaments on it.  You thought they looked like balls so you went and got a ruler and using that as a bat, you played baseball with them.  This happened several times--it was like you just couldn't resist.  
But your favorite part of Christmas was all the candy within your reach.  On Christmas morning it didn't take you long to empty your stocking.  And then when you saw the Christmas village with all of its candy it was like you'd died and gone to heaven!  You just couldn't stay away from that.  
You are also fond of telling people, "mom says" or "dad says" ending in a "yes" if you want to do something or " no" if you don't want to do something.  
You have slowed down a little in the mess department, but we still can't let down our guard.  Just yesterday I came into the kitchen and found you joyfully splashing in the milk you had poured all over the floor.  You had milk everywhere in that kitchen.
(Alas, there were no fridge locks back then).

This year Troy became a pro at hospitals.  Besides his emergency room visits he had another surgery in March also to get new tubes in his ears.  Just before he turned three, April 1998, brought another emergency room visit for Troy.  This time he pulled a heavy metal stand on his head at the copy store and opened another gash in his noggin.  He amazed everyone again  as he laid calmly while the doctor stitched him up.  He didn't cry or move at all.  And it was the same when we went to get the stitches out.  Unbelievable. 

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