Wearing Big Brother, Matt's, new uniform. |
Feb. 9, 2003 Troy picked the song for Family Home Evening. He said we just had to sing it cuz he had it in his mind and he wanted to sing it. It was a new one that they've just been learning about the restoration of the gospel. It's called "on a Golden Spring Time."
Big Brother Brent's wedding. Sept. 2003 |
Troy got baptized on his birthday, May 10, 2003. Many of his older brothers stood in the circle with his Dad to confirm him. We all wrote little notes for him about his baptism. This was from his brother, Bryan. "Troy--I'm glad you've decided to get baptized and I hope that you'll always stay on the right path. Always remember that sinning begins easily and innocently but quickly turns more serious and it becomes harder to get back on track in your life. CTR. Love, Bryan"

In Troy's own words:
"I just got babtized on Sat. May 10, 2003. I got a fuzzy warm sort of feeling. It freeked me out. My Dad babtized me. I had a cool birthday and the best presents."
You can't see it very well but these two pictures show the headgear Troy had to wear for several months to move his teeth. He didn't like me taking picture of him wearing it. |
Big Brother Bryan's wedding Mar. 2004 |